
amazing snakes!
作者:Sarah L. Thomson
出版社:Houghton MifflinHarcourt
年龄/主题/大奖/大师: 2-3(托班)、3-4(小班)、4-5(中班)、5-6(大班)、6-8(1-2年级)、8-10(3-4年级)、

If you were a snake, you could… · sleep all winter! · grow as long as a school bus! · swallow your food whole! · crawl out of your skin! Featuring stunning full-color photographs from the Wildlife Conservation Society, this is the latest title in an exciting I Can Read Book series that takes readers into the amazing world of anima


STRONG SERIES LAUNCH: ? The I Can Read Book-WildlifeConservation Society series launched with TIGERS in Fall 04(renamed AMAZING TIGERS! in pb) and we have sold 5500 hardcovercopies and 9000 paperbacks to date. We have sold 6500 hardcovers ofthe second title, AMAZING WHALES! (W05), and more than 4300 hcs todate of the third, AMAZING GORILLAS! (S05). ? We have 6 books totalunder contract. The sixth hardcover, AMAZING DOLPHINS!, ispublishing in S06. ? These are level 2 I Can Read Books, withpaperbacks in year 2. NOW IN PAPERBACK: This is the fifth paperbackin the series (after AMAZING TIGERS! in F05, AMAZING WHALES! inW06, AMAZING GORILLAS! in S06, and AMAZING SNAKES! in F06). NEWLOOK: Beginning in S06 with the hardcover edition of AMAZINGDOLPHINS! and the paperback edition of AMAZING GORILLAS, seriestitles have the new ICR trim of 6 x 9 and the new brand logo,widening their appeal with stores, schools, and libraries. WCSMARKETING PLANS: Tie in with WCS/ Barnes Noble summer readingprogram, promotion in the “Bookshelf” section of WCS magazine andan advertorial, tie-in zoo exhibit events/reading series/lectures;email/newsletter notices to their members/trustees/mailing lists(more than 160,000); giveaways at member/trustee events; specialdisplays in their zoo stores; promotion/sales on their website.SCHOLASTIC SALES: We have sold 110,000 copies of the AMAZINGTIGERS! paperback to the Scholastic Book Fairs. Scholastic has alsolicensed the exclusive school book club rights to AMAZING WHALES!,AMAZING SHARKS!, and AMAZING GORILLAS! CHILDREN’S BOOK OF THE MONTHCLUB: secured exclusive paperback rights for AMAZING GORILLAS!;AMAZING TIGERS!; and AMAZING WHALES! AWARD-WINNING SERIES: TIGERSreceived an Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Seal Book Award. STELLARREVIEWS: The series has received strong reviews that note thefantastic writing, full-color photos, school and library use, andpopular animal subjects. See review section. ICR AND WCSPRESTIGIOUS COMBO: Fueled by the prestigious reputations of the ICan Read Book program and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS),our new series featuring kids favorite animals will be the bestwritten and best designed photo books for beginning readers on themarket. CONSERVATION HOOK: Each of our books includes in the textand endnote what kids can do to help save their favorite animalsand how to contact the WCS for more information. The WCS logoappears on the jacket and spine. POPULAR MARKET: Non–fiction easyreaders are an increasingly competitive market. Other seriesinclude DK’s award-winning Eyewitness Books series, which began in1988 and has sold more than 50 million copies worldwide. Also:Golden Books Reading on Your Own series; Random House’s Step IntoReading books, and Scholastic’s Science Readers. To note: SeymourSimon’s See More series (Sea Star) were sold into TOYS R’ US andhad a B N endcap. POPULAR SUBJECT: Snakes are a perennialfavorite subject with kids--see competition chart here. PUBLICITY /OUTREACH POWER OF WCS: Since 1895, WCS has worked from their BronxZoo headquarters to save wildlife and wild lands throughout theworld. They combine the resources of wildlife parks in New Yorkwith field projects around the globe to inspire care for nature,provide leadership in environmental education, and help sustainbiological diversity. Today WCS is at work in 53 nations acrossAfrica, Asia, Latin America and North America, protecting wildlandscapes that are home to a vast variety of species frombutterflies to tigers. Their pioneering environmental educationprograms reach millions locally, nationally and internationally.More than 4 million visitors annually visit their New York Aquariumand Bronx, Queens, and Central Park Zoos. AUTHOR APPEAL: AuthorSarah Thomson is the author of all the books in this series as wellas the former editor of the Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science and theMathStart nonfiction series at HarperChildr
