
Grandfather's Journey 《外公的旅程》 1994年凯迪克金奖
作者:Allen Say
出版社:Houghton Mifflin
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宽广的大洋,壮观的沙漠,喧嚣的城市……他爱这个全新的国家里的一切,在这里安家落户,却在女儿长大后开始思念大洋彼岸的故乡;他怀着乡愁回到祖国,重新看到了故乡的群山和河流,却又怀念起异国他乡的一草一木。多年以后,他的外孙也踏上了他曾经走过的旅途,理解了他当年的情怀。著名日裔美籍绘本作家艾伦 塞伊通过对外公在日美两国生活的回忆,讲述了自己家庭中独有的跨文化经验。本书的文字饱含深情、感人至深;画面精致而温暖,宛如一帧帧写满历史与回忆的老照片。这是艾伦 塞伊最著名的作品,也是他在两种文化之间搭起的一座桥梁。
A picture book masterpiece from Caldecott medal winner Allen Say now available in paperback!

Lyrical, breathtaking, splendid—words used to describe Allen Say’s Grandfather’s Journey when it was first published. At once deeply personal yet expressing universally held emotions, this tale of one man’s love for two countries and his constant desire to be in both places captured readers’ attention and hearts. Fifteen years later, it remains as historically relevant and emotionally engaging as ever.


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